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# Metagenomic sequences from Lau Basin and Loihi Seamount
# PI: Bradley M. Tebo 
# Version: 25 January 2016
description                                       BioProject    location                           dive     sample    date       lat          lon           depth  BioProject_URL  
Lau sequences; hydrothermal vent metagenome       PRJNA298367   Northeast Lau Basin (Quest 4000)   Q322     Scoop 1   20120909   -22.214546   -176.607737   1739   PRJNA298367  
Lau sequences; hydrothermal vent metagenome       PRJNA298367   Northeast Lau Basin (Quest 4000)   Q333     Scoop 2   20120924   -15.166415   -173.575824   1164   PRJNA298367